The Future of British Manufacturing

We find ourselves entering a new era for British manufacturing. With many recent developments, from political events to the increasing speed of astonishing technological developments with Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) some say we have uncertain and disruptive challenges ahead of us.

However, many believe that we need to embrace these advancements and rise to all the opportunities that these innovative techniques and processes will make available to us.

With Industry 4.0, set to drive a huge transformation across global manufacturing with innovative technologies such as intelligent robotics, 3D-printing and artificial intelligence, including new advances to data management. Manufacturers who embrace these changes, will find themselves being able to produce their products in a greater, cost effective and time efficient manner.

British Manufacturing can capitalize on these times and position itself at the centre of these advancements and become a global leading force.

Figure 2: source KPMG Rethink Manufacturing Report

Timing is crucial and it is important for alliances between all sectors, including industry, government and the education sectors to be formed. This will not only require that the right skills be brought into the industry but also a need to ensure that the UK’s exit from the European Union is dealt with as positively as possible, with minimal impact.

Along with other leading manufacturing executives from large organisations, KPMG has commissioned this research (Rethink manufacturing: Designing a UK industrial strategy for the age of Industry 4.0) – in this they share their views on how they anticipate Brexit will impact upon them – and what their highest priorities are for a long-term and coherent industrial strategy from the UK government.

The Key findings from the KPMG report are:

  • 78% of manufacturers agree innovation is, and will remain, the bedrock of UK manufacturing.
  • 54% of manufacturing execs believe access to a better educated workforce would boost their productivity.
  • 45% of manufacturers believe a ‘hard’ Brexit will have a negative impact on their organisation.
  • 40% of the UK’s largest manufacturers are considering moving some aspects of their plant or operations out of the UK to boost productivity or reduce costs.
  • 72% of manufacturers find the UK government’s current regional approach to be disjointed and unclear.

The Future of British Manufacturing Initiative

Taking all these leading advancements into account, a new Initiative launched by Autodesk and The Manufacturer – and supported by key partners, has come into play – the initiative takes a hands-on approach to enable British design and manufacturing companies to respond to the challenges of trends from the likes of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Asif Moghal, manufacturing industry manager at Autodesk, explained, “Our objective is to enable British manufacturers to design, make and sell great British products everywhere through a truly agile product innovation platform that increases productivity, innovation and delivers what we like to think of as repetitive advantage.”

Managing Director of The Manufacturer, Henry Anson added, “The fourth Industrial Revolution is already upon us, and the manufacturing landscape is arguably more complex and difficult to navigate than ever before in industrial history.”

He continued, “The opportunities are vast, however so are the threats. Companies absolutely have to embrace the fact the change is happening, with or without them.”

More information about the Future of British Manufacturing Initiative (FOBMI) can be found at:

So, whether you love it or hate it, the future of British manufacturing is amid massive change…

What are your thoughts on The Future of British Manufacturing? Will you be embracing the change?